by Nick Romano (, January 21, 2017)
Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia has always been a symbol of feminism, equality, and hope for Star Wars fans, and her image continues to inspire through the Women’s Marches around the globe.

Many bore Leia’s visage this weekend through signs emblazoned with messages like, “We are the resistance,” “Carrie Fisher sent me,” and “Estrogen Strikes Back.” Others wore Leia costumes as they united in protest of President Donald Trump. “I know where she stood,” Fisher’s Star Wars co-star Mark Hamill tweeted along with images. “You know where she stood. Such an honor to see her standing with you today. Bigly.” […] Fisher often spoke out against Trump, calling him “appalling,” “elitist,” “racist,” “misogynist,” and “a classless thug.”
Trump speaking his mind isn’t refreshing, it’s appalling. Coca Cola is refreshing… — Carrie Fisher (@carrieffisher) November 6, 2016
Donald trump is a classless thug Trying 2 scare us in2 voting 4 him-an entitled, elitist, racist misogynist-dangerous, unkind & w/o empathy — Carrie Fisher (@carrieffisher) October 10, 2016
EW’s Anthony Breznican, on the ground at the Women’s March in Los Angeles, was among those sharing more photos of Leia imagery. […] Fisher died at the age of 60 in December, and the world continues to mourn her. “I got to be the only girl in an all-boy fantasy, and it’s a great role for women,” the actress said of Leia during an interview with CBC News. “She’s a very proactive character and gets the job done. So if you’re going to get typecast as something, that might as well be it for me.”